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Assignment 1: Adjusting Your Photo

For the first assignment, you will adjust a photo in six ways.

You will begin by choosing a jpeg image and saving it to My Pictures.  Create a new folder called Assignment 1.  Save the original version of the photo in this folder under original.

You will then open it in Photoshop under File –> Open.

Under Image –> Adjust adjust the following:


Name this photo brightness/contrast and save it in the Assignment 1 folder.  Close it and open the original photo again.  Adjust and save it under the following into the same folder:



Gradient Map:



Create a post on your blog to showcase and label your original photo, as well as each adjusted version. Title it Assignment One: Adjusting Your Photo. Include an introduction where you describe your first experience with Photoshop. What did you do? Was it easy or difficult? Which adjustment did you like the best? Remember to use correct English grammar and punctuation.

*note – we have 5 versions of photoshop at this school.  I apoligize for this.  If you only have Photoshop Elements 8.0, you can complete this assignment, the Photo Adjustments were just moved to different places:

Enhance -> Adjust Color –> Adjust Hue/Saturation

Enhance -> Adjust Color –> Remove Color (=desaturate)

Enhance -> Adjust Lighting–> Brightness/Contrast

Filter -> Adjustments –>Gradient Map

Filter -> Adjustments –>Invert

Filter -> Adjustments –>Threshold




~ by e10391 on .

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